Tuesday November 26th from 4:00pm - 7:00pm at Timber Office (3920 W Tapps Dr E, Lake Tapps).
For Thanksgiving, we’ll be giving away pumpkin or apple pies! This event is more than pies, it’s a time to celebrate the season. We’ll be slinging hot dogs, enjoying cider or hot cocoa and indulging in a few giveaways. Pumpkin pies are $10 and apple pies are $17 - invoiced to you after the event. Even if someone RSVPs and doesn’t show up, you are still obligated to pay because we purchase food and drinks in advance.
The last day to RSVP is Tuesday November 19th (one week prior). Please notify your clients that they have to choose an apple or pumpkin pie when completing the Eventbrite RSVP registration. Admin will email your current RSVPs every Tuesday leading up to the event.
Send this link to raving fans to RSVP: https://shorturl.at/i4y9E
Tuesday October 29th (four weeks prior) email raving fans - include above graphic and eventbrite link
Tuesday November 12th (two weeks prior) call raving fans - use call script outlined below and attend call night at the office from 5:00 - 7:00pm
Tuesday November 19th (one week prior) last day to RSVP!
Friday November 22nd - Monday November 25th (few days before) reminder texts/calls to those who RSVP'd
Wednesday December 4th (post-event follow-up) thanks for coming or sorry we missed you texts/calls, ask for referral
Join your fellow Timber agents on Tuesday November 12th from 5:00 - 7:00pm at the office. Dinner will be provided. This time will serve as your accountability to call your raving fans!
Hey [CLIENT NAME], It’s [YOUR NAME] with Timber Real Estate.
I wanted to make sure you received the invite for our pie event on November 26th. You’ll receive a complimentary pumpkin or apple pie for Thanksgiving. We’ll also have free food and raffle giveaways.
Did you get my email about the event?
[YES] Ok awesome, have you RSVPd on Eventbrite?
[YES] Sweet. I’m so excited to see you there.
[NO] Alright I’ll text you the link now.
[NO] Oh well I’m glad I called! The event is Tuesday November 26th from 4:00-7:00 pm at our office in Lake Tapps. Do you want me to send you the link to RSVP?
[YES] Sweet. I’m so excited to see you there.
[NO] I hope you can make it to our next event then.
Hey, while I’ve got you on the phone, who do you know that might be looking to buy or sell soon?
Hey, while I got you on the phone, what questions do you have about the real estate market at this time?
Hey [CLIENT NAME] great to chat with you today! Here’s a link to RSVP for Pie Day. I look forward to seeing you there! https://shorturl.at/i4y9E