• How do I find the Timber logos? And trademarks?

    Simply, download them HERE. All Timber logos along with the Equal Housing Opportunity logo and NAR logos are included in the Timber logo kit. If ever you need to find them again, you can access the logos on the Home page OR on the Advertising Compliance page.

    All of the logos are also available under the Brand Kit in Canva. When working on a design in Canva, you can access the logos by clicking on “Brand” in the left-side menu. From there you will see all usable logos as well as a guideline on how to properly use the logomarks.

  • How do I stay compliant when advertising?

    Washington State’s Department of Licensing has pretty strict rules and regulations regarding how to advertise your services as a real estate agent. Access the full guide for Washington State’s DOL’s advertising compliance guidelines HERE.

    If you’re looking for further support in this, contact our Marketing Director ( for any more information.

  • Who do I talk to for specific information/Timber Support

    The leadership team at Timber all individually carry different responsibilities and so each leader can assist you depending on what type of support you are needing.

    Click HERE to get an in-depth understanding of who to contact for support.

  • How long in advance can I reserve office space?

    2 weeks in advance is the maximum amount of time an agent can reserve office space. Agents cannot reserve office space day-of, and must follow the maximum occupancy rules given for each office space available.

  • How many office spaces are available for reserving?

    There are a total of 3 office spaces available at Timber: Conference Room A in the lobby, a Conference Room B, and a Studio space for creating content.

  • Where is the best place to to see all future Timber events?

    Our Events page! Click HERE to access.

    At the very top of the page we have our events calendar that shows all upcoming events happening within the month we are in. These events include client events, community events, workshops hosted by Timber, workshops hosted by other businesses, and Timber Town Halls.

  • Where can I see when the next in-person workshop is happening?

    On our workshops page, at the very top - This is where you will see the next upcoming workshop. These include workshops that Timber leadership teaches and workshops hosted by other real estate related businesses.

  • Are there any contractors that Timber recommends?

    Yes! Checkout our preferred vendor list HERE.

    This list is constantly being updated with new vendors that agents have had positive experiences with. There are vendors that have the Timber Seal of Approval which means that these are businesses that our agents have been working with for years and continue to work with to this day.

  • Can I connect the Timber events calendar to my google calendar?

    You can’t connect the entire Timber events calendar to your own personal calendar; however, you can add any single event that’s listed on the calendar to your own personal calendar.

    You can do this by going to the event page and clicking “Add to Calendar” and then copying to your own personal calendar.

  • Who do I contact regarding event information?

    Depending on the event and who is directly leading it, you will need to access the specific event page to find that information.

    You can also reach out to our Operations Director for more information!

  • Where can I access the full workshop video library?

    You click on “Workshops” in the Timber Mill’s navigation menu. From there you can find a section on this page that says “Full Workshop Library” just below the calendar.

    To access the full workshop library click HERE.

  • Can I watch a live workshop if I’m unable to attend?

    Yes! Within the Workshop page there will be a Zoom link that you can access. The video will go live at the date and time of the workshop; however, you can click and access it whenever.

  • Where can I find Timber’s social media templates?

    Through your Canva account, you are a team member with Timber’s Canva account. This means that you have access to using Timber’s branded content and your own personal design content. You can access Timber’s Brand Templates by going to the left-side menu, click on “Brand,” and then click on “Brand Templates.”

    From there you will have access to several different design templates for social media posts and print signage.

  • How do I find my GPS Scorecard?

    If you haven’t created your GPS Scorecard yet, get access to the template HERE.

    If you’ve already made your GPS Scorecard, you can find it under your Google Drive account.