We rented out this movie theatre for your raving fans. We’re playing the classic film The Sandlot. Popcorn, candy and drinks included! $5 per person charged on your next monthly agent bill. Even if someone RSVPs and doesn’t show up, you are still obligated to pay because we purchase food and drinks in advance.
Only street parking is available. The Proctor Farmers Market takes place across the street from 9:00am - 2:00pm so parking is very limited. Arrive early to allow ample time to park.
The last day to RSVP is Saturday May 25th (one week prior). The theatre seats 200 people so capacity is limited. Please RSVP for yourself and your family if they choose to attend.
Send this link to raving fans to RSVP:
Admin will email your current RSVPs on Wednesdays and again after all final RSVPs are in, no later than Wednesday May 29th.
Friday May 3rd (four weeks prior) email details to raving fans - include graphic / eventbrite link
Friday May 17th (two weeks prior) call raving fans - use call script outlined below
Wednesday May 22nd (3 days before RSVP deadline) call night at the office from 5:00 - 7:00pm
Saturday May 25th (one week prior) last day to RSVP!
Wednesday May 29th - Friday May 31st (week of) reminder texts/calls to those who RSVP'd
Monday June 3rd (post-event follow-up) thanks for coming or sorry we missed you texts/calls, ask for referral and tease next event Summer Bash in August
Join your fellow Timber agents on Wednesday May 22nd from 5:00 - 7:00pm at the office. Dinner will be provided. This time will serve as your accountability to call your raving fans!
“Hey [CLIENT NAME], It’s [YOUR NAME] with Timber Real Estate. I wanted to make sure you received the invite for the Movie Event on June 1st at 11:00am. We are renting out a movie theater and playing The Sandlot. We’ll have free popcorn, candy and drinks too!”
“Did you get my email about the event?”
[YES] “Ok awesome, have you RSVPd on Eventbrite?”
[YES] “Sweet. I’m so excited to see you there.”
[NO] “Alright I’ll text you the link now.”
[NO] “Oh well I’m glad I called! The event is Saturday June 1st from 11:00am - 2:00pm at Blue Mouse Theatre in Tacoma. Do you want me to send you the link to RSVP?”
[YES] “Sweet. I’m so excited to see you there.”
[NO] “I hope you can make it to our next event then.”
“Hey, while I’ve got you on the phone, who do you know that might be looking to buy or sell soon?”
”Hey, while I got you on the phone, what questions do you have about the real estate market at this time?”
“Hey [CLIENT NAME] great to chat with you today! Here’s a link to RSVP for the Movie Event. I look forward to seeing you there!”